Saturday, March 19, 2011

100 Day Book of Mormon Challenge Complete

Well I just finished the Book of Mormon in 100 days. Although I read it just under 100 days, I finished it by the March 18th deadline. It sure feels good and I learned so much as well.


Cindy said...

That is awesome Craig!

Sherri said...

Congratulations!!! That is awesome!
I'm almost done reading it to the kids...we have 22 pages left! It only took....30....or 364 days! =) I love the Book of Mormon!!!!! =)

Ben and Maggie said...

Craig! Call me as soon as you get this. I need to ask you a few questions. 512-259-6666.
Thanks bro,
Ben Bowles

Alt Tab said...

Nice post... I like blogwalking here please visit back my blog thx :)

yeti said...

what was the main thing that you learned this time around?