Last night I finished reading the book
Words of Joseph Smith: The Contemporary Accounts of the Nauvoo Discourses of the Prophet Joseph. I have grown to love the Prophet Joseph Smith so much from this book and learned so much about him and his teachings. This book is journal entries of his discourses from many sources including those called to write Joseph's journal. I have also grained a greater testimony of my Savior Jesus Christ and understand in greater detail what type of a true relationship that we can have if we seek it out. In one of the last discourses Joseph said, "all can cry Abba Father." If you remember in the garden Jesus cried Abba, Abba which means Father, Father. Joseph in this discourse he talked about our ability to become Gods and how many times in scripture the Lord has designated someone as God over others like Moses who was God unto Aaron and Aaron was his spokesman. Joseph was saying that we all can develop ourselves in like manner. We must of course build a similar relationship with our Father in Heaven.
I for one am going to strive starting today to build a much better relationship with my Savior in two ways, first through sincere and mighty prayer and second through obtaining greater knowledge of my Savior. Joseph Smith has said many many times that we are saved through knowledge. I know that if I can know more about my Savior than I will be more able to draw closer to Him in prayer. I challenge everyone that reads this post to make a new determination starting today to improve your relationship with your Savior through study and prayer. I know that all that accept this challenge will have power from on high given to them to gain a special and personal relationship with Jesus Christ and His and our Father so that we too may feel at home saying Abba, Abba.
I love your post. Even though a lot of them are words I can't read still, mommy reads it to me. I liked the post it is really fun. I like to read it. I love you Daddy!
I just wanted to say I LOVE YOU, CRAIG :) See you tonight.(oh by the way no looking at pocket pc stuff!!!)
I CANNOT believe your post is about this.
[yes I can]
One of our elders, departing Wednesday, had mentioned wanting a particular book, but could not remmeber the correct name of it.
I looked for two hours at Moons in Dallas today, and I spent another hour looking online.
I want to get him a departing gift [I hope that will be ok] - he is also baptizing my daughter this Saturday.
My son, who was baptized last month, is baptizing me :)
That is so exciting. There is nothing greater in this world than our personal testimony that Jesus is our elder brother and that he suffered for us. Your baptism is a glorious step in establishing and building your relationship with Him. I pray that he will become your best friend.
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